Super fancy pants adventure igg games
Super fancy pants adventure igg games

And OpenGL sucks because you couldn't change the brightness and it was always really dark. So my old fond memories of quake 1 and 2 were always software mode, I never had good gfx cards to keep up. Snagged quake 1 through an ftp back in probably 2003. I never played the original when it came out, I got quake 2 instead a couple years after #3 came out. I use quakespasm and ironically ive got to say I prefer it over darkplaces because the texture filtering is "okay" by my standards since I NEVER got to see the proper filtering on the original game.

super fancy pants adventure igg games

If you would like to submit any news or your personal map or mod releases here, please reply/backlink to this post. Kinsie's Consolation Prize project now covers Doom 64 Retribution MetaDoom also to make use of it in v3.64 MetaDoom v3.666 released pistol ammo cvar and some rebalancing Linguica's Antrywey released a strictly vanilla map created with savegame trickery Omni Shields: consumable invulnerability inventory items Anon release a dungeon crawler mod with three maps Latest episodes of both Intermission and Evolution of the WAD podcasts Mapping deadline extended to the end of April no longer accepting new mappers

  • /vint/ - International Vidya ĭOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread >3940057ĭOOM/II/ULTIMATE/FINAL/64/CHEX/QUAKE/DUKE.
  • super fancy pants adventure igg games

    /lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender.

    Super fancy pants adventure igg games